Today, March 12, is the World Wide Web’s 29th birthday. Here’s a message from our founder and web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee on what we need to ensure that everyone has access to a web worth having. Today, the World Wide Web turns 29. This year marks a milestone in the web’s history: for the […]
Using Open Data to Make Development More Inclusive for Women
This post was written by the Open Data Labs’ Strategic Partnerships and Outreach Manager, Louis Susanty, together with our Regional Research Manager for Asia, Michael Cañares. In 2017, we wanted to find out if providing women better access to government data can help them to proactively advocate for a more gender-inclusive development planning, budgeting, […]
Using Photography to Capture Data in Everyday Life
To celebrate Open Data Day 2018, we’re releasing our Lessons Learned Paper for the Data2Life. Life2Data. project As with the previous years, we’re celebrating Open Data Day – an annual celebration of open data all over the world. We’re doing it in two ways: we’re having a Twitter Q&A (ask us your #OpenData and #DataEmpowerment […]
Understanding the technologies shaping us, so we can shape them
This post originally appears on the Web Foundation website. One of the most hopeful features of technology is that it’s always evolving. If we don’t like the way a technology is working, we can change it. This, of course, is a complex and constant challenge, but one that all of us — civil society, policymakers […]
Gender must be central to the data protection conversation, not a side note
This post was written by Ana Brandusescu, Web Foundation Research & Policy Officer and originally appears on the Web Foundation news. Follow her on Twitter at @anabmap. Photo © Daniel Friedman, CC BY-NC 2.0. Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference in Brussels. Discussions at the conference covered a wide range of important digital […]
How open data can save AI
This post originally appears on the Web Foundation website and was written by Web Foundation Policy Fellow Juan Ortiz Freuler & Policy Director Craig Fagan. Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping our world — changing our economies (think Uber and driverless cars), our politics (think Cambridge Analytica and targeted political adverts), and our societies (think predictive policing). While AI […]
Three ways to rebuild citizens’ trust through open government
This post, written by Andreas Pawelke, Director at the Open Data Lab Jakarta, was originally published by Open Government Indonesia. With declining faith in governments around the world, we face a global trust crisis. Citizen engagement with government is at risk as people cease to see political leaders and officials as reliable partners. Governments urgently need to act to […]
2017: Where we are and how we got here
2017 marks the Lab’s fourth year, and it passed by quickly! Here are some of the highlights of our year and a quick recap of our journey. It’s been a tough but rewarding journey In 2014, we planted the seeds for the Jakarta Lab with projects aimed to help bring open data to the […]
The story of how the web began and why we must fight for its future
This post is originally published by the Web Foundation. “If we’re going to spend all this time on the internet — we should spend a proportion of that time defending it.” When Sir Tim Berners-Lee published his proposal for the World Wide Web, he envisioned an open, universal space, where anyone could bring their ideas to life without having […]
“For Everyone”: Nonton Bareng dan Diskusi tentang Sejarah dan Masa Depan World Wide Web
Pada tanggal 13 Desember, kami akan menyelenggarakan acara nonton bareng dan diskusi tentang masa lalu, sekarang dan masa depan World Wide Web. Acara ini, gratis dan terbuka untuk umum, akan berlangsung di Ruang Serbaguna Kementerian Komunikasi & Informatika di Jakarta, dan terselenggara atas kolaborasi dengan Kementerian Kominfo, #SiberKreasi, ICT Watch dan Indonesia Internet Governance Forum. […]