2015 is almost over, and it’s paved the way for a lot of learning for us. We took on the challenge of listing down five out of the many Lab highlights for 2015. To know what they are, read on! We celebrated our official launch! The Open Data Lab Jakarta officially launched on 5 February. […]
Open Data Day – Hackathons are the spark, but citizens are the slow burning flame
The original post by Savita Bailur, Open Data Research Lead of the Web Foundation, could be found here. (Last) February 21, is International Open Data Day. Over 150 hackathons are being held around the world. We, at the Web Foundation, are joining in the fun and helping to organise open data events in Indonesia and […]
Open Data Day Jakarta: A crash course in data wrangling
Last Saturday, 21 February, Open Data Day was celebrated globally. Definitely not about to miss out on this occasion, the Open Data Lab Jakarta and OpenStreetMap Indonesia came together to bring about “Open Data for Nonprofits”, an open data training dedicated to data extraction and cleaning. The event attracted a total of 14 data enthusiasts […]
Perjalanan Gerakan Data Terbuka Jakarta
Perjalanan gerakan data terbuka di Jakarta bersama-sama dengan Web Foundation sudah berjalan hampir selama 2 tahun, dimulai di awal tahun 2013. Berikut ini adalah kutipan beberapa acara yang pernah diselenggarakan oleh Web Foundation dan Open Data Lab Jakarta untuk menunjang pelaksanaan data terbuka di Jakarta: Maret 2013: Perkenalan dan pembicaraan awal antara the Web Foundation dan […]
Open Data (Day) for nonprofits in Jakarta
The Open Data Day is taking place this Saturday, 21 February 2015, in various cities around the world, with the underlying theme ‘Open Data + You + Your Community + Your Timezone = Around the World’. Naturally, we at the Open Data Lab Jakarta made sure to join in on the fun too! Together with […]
Web Foundation unveils first Open Data Lab in Jakarta
Lab established to explore open data solutions to challenges facing Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The World Wide Web Foundation has today announced that its first ‘Open Data Lab’ will officially open its doors on 5 February in Jakarta, Indonesia. To mark the occasion, a launch event will be held at the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel’s […]
Open data for business innovations and more
As part of the Open Data Lab Jakarta’s engagement program, our team also works on presentations and talk for universities and other interested organisations to show them the benefits and challenges of open data – tailored to their specific themes or requirements. In the last two months, we gave talks in two universities, which you […]
Kelompok Kerja Data Terbuka DKI Jakarta
Kelompok Kerja Data Terbuka DKI Jakarta (PokjaDT) secara resmi dibentuk hari Kamis lalu tanggal 9 September 2014 di sela-sela acara MAVC Indonesia. Perkenalan kelompok kerja ini disambut baik oleh para peserta acara dan terkumpul 7 orang peserta yang langsung bergabung. Saat ini jumlah anggota telah bertambah menjadi 12 orang yang terdiri dari perwakilan 9 Organisasi […]